DJ VDP Disc Jockey Services


Due to the specialized nature of DJs and the services they provide,

contracts will be created to cater to each individual DJ and client.

However, each contract will address the following issues to ensure

events go smoothly and both sides are satisfied.


Place and Time

Though it may seem trivial to include such detailed information, the

contract needs to list the address, date, start time and end time,

along with the name of the DJ, name of the client and all contact

information. With a field as mobile as DJing, lack of these details can

cause mix-ups and confusion that could be easily avoided when

everything is presented in the contract.



Some DJs play similar gatherings every time they perform, in which

case they can state standard rates on contracts. Others will require

different rates specific to each occasion. Whatever the case, all of

these should be stated clearly on the contract. Additionally, the

contract should state what the deposit will be, and when the

remainder will be paid to the DJ.


Terms of Agreement

This section will be the most varied, catered to each DJ and, often,

each event. Basically, this section will state that both parties have

agreed to enter the agreement they are signing, and that all terms

have been agreed upon as well. The Terms of Agreement may also

state what working conditions the DJ requires to perform (amount

of space, amount of power, set-up time, etc), as well as what (if any)

recording may take place at the venue.


Special Provisions

Finally, the DJ and/or client may make special requests of each

other in this last section, as long as both parties agree to the terms.